
Family Photos

Alright, so I lied. I still don't have a home... or a scanner... or any new photos that I can otherwise share with everyone. I'm moving into a new place tomorrow so we'll be back on track soon.

However, rather than not share anything this week, I've decided to just talk about one of my favourite blogs: Awkward Family Photos!

This is such a great idea for a blog for so many reasons... It really ties a lot of people together through a common thread in most of our lives: embarrassment about our family! It's nice to look at pictures of other kids from the 80s and 90s and see them just as pissed off or ridiculous-looking as you might have been yourself in those awkward years...

Also, there are photos from the 1800s on here! Families were just as goofy and messed up back then as they were in the 80s and as they are now! 

And you know... finally there's a place for these photos to be remembered and enjoyed rather than hidden away and forgotten (or painfully remembered). Turning unpleasantness into joy and sharing that joy with the world, this blog is kind of a model for a way of life I think everyone should strive for...

While the memories might fade, the photos will stick around like a bad tattoo. Rather than worrying about it, why not laugh about it?

Stay awkward!

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